Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Find: Some People Are Just Lucky

Happy Birthday to Kerry!! I didn't get my act together to finish the post on Mike and Kerry's reception so that will be for Monday.

Need to catch up on their wedding so far?? Check these out:

Today's Friday Find is this brilliantly amazing and I mean amazing, commercial for a Swiss Bank! Can you just imagine waking up to this?! I can't say I'd be too upset:

Chris and I will be visiting my family in Pennsylvania and I am soooo anxious and excited to get home!

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Honey, there's something I need to tell you...that WAS how I woke up the day after my FIRST wedding. Then I met your father, had the first marriage annuled and married for love.And now I'm Dad's Sugar Mama1 LOL!Can't wati for you and Chris to be here.

  2. LOL -- that is so funny! Have a great weekend, Laura. P.S. I've done a good job sticking to my cardio routine all week. Woo hoo!

  3. bwahaha BEST COMMERCIAL EVER! i died laughing. yeah i don't think i'd be upset about that either. ;) hope you have a wonderful time with your family!

  4. I thought the commercial was Drew Barrymore... maybe not. I don't know!
    Can't wait to see the post Monday!

  5. Oh wow... seriously an amazing commercial!! :)


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