Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Find: Auto Wed

Happy Friday again! Yesterday was our 2 month anniversary and tomorrow is our 2 YEAR "Engage-aversary" I'm not sure if you can still have "engage-aversaries"after you're married, but 2 years ago...Chris proposed to me in the Bahamas and wedding madness has ensued ever since!

Today's Friday Find is pretty hilarious. Are you tired of wedding planning? Want a wedding without all the hassle of planning? Overly stressed about your wedding? Then look no further: AutoWed can perform your wedding ceremony immediately! The machine even prints out a receipt that you can reclaim should you need a divorce! Great for the "on-the-go" bride ;) Watch the demonstration below:

AutoWed Wedding Vending Machine by Concept Shed from Conceptshed on Vimeo.


  1. lol that's awesome!

  2. Well that's efficient and hillarious all at the same time!

  3. That is crazy! LOL!

    Happy Engageversary. It totally counts.

  4. well that certainly is ... um interesting?

    Happy two months!

  5. What the hec?! LOL. Congrats on your double anniversary!!!

  6. This just gets funnier every time you watch it! Love when Autowed says "groomses name." Ingenious concept!

  7. BAHA! I love the "Press 2 to escape". Awesome.

    Good find haha.

    Congrats on your 2 months AND on your 2 year engage-versay (totally still counts!) xx

  8. Now where was the auto-wed when I first started planning the wedding?

    Awesome, thank you for posting this!


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