Monday, July 25, 2011

Engage-aversary Surprise!

We had a whirlwind, BUSY weekend. Friday we did happy hour with friends, then went to a dueling piano bar in Times Square with our newly engaged friends afterward, which was so cool and so much fun! I had never been to a dueling piano bar before, and I'm so glad we decided to go! On Saturday morning, Chris had an eye appointment early in the morning, so I was able to sleep in a bit while he went to his appointment. When he came home at 10:00, he woke me up, and I was greeted with these beauties!
Chris brought home a dozen red roses for our 2 month anniversary/2 year engage-aversary. I was certainly surprised to see this, ( know, it's not really a real anniversary, lol).
With my bouquet!

Definitely so pretty and such a sweet surprise!
The rest of the day we spent shopping (trying to use up some of our gift cards from our wedding). Mike and Kerry had a great party for their bridal party that night, and we went to New Jersey on Sunday to finally meet our friends Erin and Derek's little baby, Dash! He is the cutest little thing.
So that's all for today...back to some more wedding stuff on Wednesday!


  1. Love the pretty roses.What an adorabale baby.

  2. Aw how nice of him! They're very pretty! :)

  3. Love the roses. So thoughtful. Cute baby!!

  4. Aw! What a good hubby!!! Happy engage-iversary!

  5. so sweet to him to buy you flowers! they're very pretty :)

  6. Ahhhh thoughtfulness like this just makes you realize another reason why you picked your husband to be your husband...:-)

  7. Aw!!! How romantical!

    And Chris looks way too natural with a baby... keep us posted on that.

  8. So sweet of him to buy you flowers and to remember!! That baby is beyond cute!


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