Friday, November 12, 2010

Internet and Anemone Addiction

Sorry for my lack of posting this week. This wasn't a particularly busy week or anything. But, I realized something:
I'm starting to have a serious internet addiction. Luckily, it hasn't reached epic proportions...yet. It's just that sometimes that amount of blogs that I follow is so overwhelming that I just shut down. How can I possibly keep track of as many blogs as I do?? How do some of these people do it? Right now, I currently have 856 new unread items in my google reader. Overwhelming much??

I took this online Internet Addiction Test (yes...yes I did) and I scored a 55.
50 -79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on your life.
Good...this can be fixed...and I'm on the low end of this scale anyway so I'm fine! Right? This isn't really a huge problem except for the fact that at night when I go home, I sometimes neglect Chris because I feel I had so much blog catching up to do....and that just needed to stop. So, I took a little cool down from the internet this week which was very nice, but that's not to say that I didn't miss it! I do have one question though: How did people plan their weddings before the internet??? Seriously, it baffles my mind. I don't know how I would have gone about planning if I didn't have the internet as my trusty guide and resource. I certainly would not have been as inspired and motivated without seeing all the amazing things out there by other vendors and bloggers.

But anyway, onto the post!
Flower Distirct
Tomorrow morning at 7 AM I am heading into the city with Kerry and both our future Mother-in-Laws to hit up the flower district! We were originally going to head in around 11:00, but I called a few places yesterday and many of these flower shops close by 11:00 on Saturdays! So, we had to adjust our plans accordingly.

We will pretty much go to 28th street and hit up as many flower shops as we can within the Flower District. I printed this article which has a great list of the shops we can expect to find. I don't really know what to expect tomorrow. I know that the flower district has significantly decreased in size the last couple of years, as many places have had to close down due to the recession. Many of the stores are hurting and are taking any business they can get, which hopefully will be good for us. I've read from many brides that getting your flowers wholesale in the flower district is cheaper, I just worry about all the other stuff that goes along with that (i.e. do they provide the pedestals? If not, will I have to purchase pedestals and therefore have it come out as more expensive? Do they do the arrangements for you? Do they deliver?) and the list goes on and on. Tomorrow will be a learning experience for us all, but I can't wait to check it out!! I also would really like to have flowers checked off my list of things to do.

I don't really know exactly what I want in my bouquet or flower arrangements. Of course, I love calla lillies, but also how great is this boutenniere? It fits perfectly with our colors. Thanks to Ashley for telling me about anemones!!! I'm officially obsessed with them!!
Did anyone else get their wedding flowers in the Flower District or suffer from an internet addiction? Haha...two verrry different questions.

1 comment:

  1. I'm only addicted to "Saying I Do!" No I didn't buy my flowers at the flower distirict and somehow 30 years ago we did everything you do without the internet! There is something to be said about limiting your options to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Have fun at the flower district!


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