Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Engagement Pictures (Round 2)

Even though we booked the limos we want last week, I'm stillll waiting for our limo company to fax us back a clearer, and legible contract before anything is officially signed. We have the cars we want, they are ours...I just can't post with a clear conscience until the contract is fully and completely signed and filed away for fear of jinxing it. So, though I have a post on the limos we chose completely ready to go, it will have to wait for tomorrow or next week.

In an effort to post at least twice a week, I now give you "Engagement Pictures Round 2." I know, I know...more pictures?? Please understand this is not in an effort to show off more pictures (only sort of, There simply are a ton more pictures that I didn't like at first, but have been obsessively editing and playing around with on, and I like them soooo much better now.

Firstly, is awesome.
Image representing Picnik as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

It's very simple to use, and you can do whatever you want to with the file: upload it to twitter, facebook, your picasa web albums, google buzz, or save directly to your computer. I highly recommend this website if you ever have to do any photo editing, or just want to make a picture black and white, sepia or other colors. You can pay to use all the features they offer, but I use what's available for free and it's definitely more than enough for what I need to do. Picnik has so many options to play around with for photo editing. Some of the options are really weird and goofy and I would never actually use. I found myself setting up most my pictures kind of the same way after awhile...a vintage 1960's look. I plan on including a lot of these edited photos into our guest book that I am making through A lot of these are duplicate pictures from my first engagement picture post if you want to click there to see how I edited them to look different.


That's it! I promise I won't make you look at 54,000 pictures of Chris and me again UNTIL AFTER the wedding!!
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. wow they look great!!

    (and share all the pics you want - this is YOUR blog!!)

  2. You're so crafty w/ your picnik! These look lovely. The photographer should hire you!!

  3. Such a good looking couple. I still love that pic of you against the wall. I like the perspective in the pic of you and Chris holding hands. I also remember you sent me the link to picknik a long time ago and it really is easy to use. If I can navigate it anyone can!


Leave me some love!