Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Find: Marathon of a Wedding

I'm all for physical fitness, and running. And I admire anyone who can run a marathon, but this is taking it just a bit too far! Kudos to them though, perhaps Chris and I should get training for our first marathon for when we want to renew our vows!

I have a feeling that one's going to be a hard sell. 

One more week until Molly and Mark's Wedding!


  1. Wow! I'm very impressed that they could run & kiss simultaneously! Wonder if they practiced...

  2. Yes the running kiss was impressive, indeed! Something new for me to try after 31 years! LOL! And as crazy as getting married during a marathon sounds they are going to ITALY on thier honeymoon so they must be okay people. Teeheehee.

  3. Wow! I love running but am also definitely not this hard core! The farthest I've ever run continuously is about 10 miles at the most, but I would love to someday be able to take on a marathon or even half marathon. I've got a long way to go for that, though.


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