Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Find: Bride "Shoops" for her Groom

I've been a bad blogger all around. I have no time to read them, and no time to update mine! But I still find great wedding things during the week! I give this bride major props for doing this. She's funny, charismatic, and confident...and I never would have been able to do this as successfully as her.

This week was wedding madness with Valentine's Day, so be sure to check out all our wedding finds over at StoryMix Media's Blog. This may or may not include a wedding between two penguins, a weird zombie wedding, and a bungee cord ceremony!

Stay tuned next week for the unveiling (HOPEFULLY) of my new blog, "My Everyday Harmony"!


  1. Haha! That's cute!
    I hear ya about the busy. yeesh!

    Can't wait to see the new blog!

  2. Yes! She is definitely a confident bride!

  3. I can't wait to read your new blog, Laura! I've been swamped with projects myself, so I hear you about things being hectic.


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