Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wedding Recap: Martini Bar

Our venue has a Martini Bar that descends from the ceiling about 20 minutes into the cocktail hour. I was not particularly fond of this idea when we first heard about it - I was afraid it was tacky and a bit too over-the-top. But Chris eventually convinced me to just let it go...it was a feature of our venue that was offered as an option to us at no extra cost, and it certainly was unique. We decided to do it, and own it, even if there was the potential for it to be slightly "tacky". In the end, I'm glad we had it. Half of our guests were outside or getting food when it happened anyway, and the ones that were there to watch it, definitely liked it - and definitely had their fair share of martinis!

Here is the bar being lowered into its section while a guy makes some freshly shaken martinis on the way down!

I was the first up for a martini!
As I said before in this post, we had two signature martinis:

Wedding Cake Martini
1 1/2 oz. Amaretto
1/2 oz. Vanilla vodka
1 oz. Pineapple Juice


2 ounces vanilla vodka
1 ounce Malibu
1 ounce sweetened lime juice
1/2 lime

 The "Wagner-Tini" was in honor of Wagner College, where Chris and I met.
My Drink signs and DIY Embossed napkins above!

I seem to be enjoying my "Wagner-Tini"!!


  1. Loved the martini bar. The Wedding Cake Martini was yummylicious! I like the pic of you, Chris, and Kyle and the one with Aunt Laura and her blue dress.

  2. Well that is an interesting feature! What did the guests say about it?

  3. I love that! I love some pretty tacky things though, so I'm not sure if this helps your case or not. Haha. I love the idea of a signature drink! Too bad neither one of us drinks martinis. We will have to learn.

  4. Thanks for all of your comments! I am still figuring out how to respond to things.. haha. That martini bar was fun! Though the memory is a little hazy.. maybe too many stops at the martini bar..

  5. I love that idea!! really great and different!

  6. This is SO fun!!! Love the idea of your "special" drinks! :)

  7. How awesome does that wedding cake martini sound?! Wow, need to try that. Looks like cocktail hour was a fun time!

  8. I don't think its tacky at all. That's awesome!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my page! I love having new readers. :) Your wedding was absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!!!! :) The martini bar is a pretty awesome idea.

  10. OOhhhh sooo niceee!!! I love signature drinks!

  11. I think it's fun! And very James bond.

  12. Perhaps you've already pointed this out... but I'm watching "Four Weddings" right now, and one of the weddings is at your venue. I recognized the martini bar that comes from the ceiling! :)

  13. really??!! I actually had no idea! I'll try and find that episode!

  14. So cute! That martini sounds delicious!

  15. That is totally unique and I bet your guests loved the martinis. I am doing embosed napkins too!! Which reminds me I have to find my embosser that I purchased so very long ago!

  16. OH MY GOD.. wait.. I totally saw a descending martini bar on Four Weddings!! Is your venue the same? SO freaking awesome!

  17. Wow, how amazing! That is just the coolest idea! I bet your guests loved it! Great drinks too! :)


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