Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday's "Royal" Wedding Poll

In honor of the royal wedding being just TWO DAYS away, I feel I simply MUST say something about it. By now, you've probably seen just about every crazy Royal Wedding paraphernalia that you could possibly ever think of. Over the past month, I've tried to cull as many "not so common" royal wedding themed products that maybe you haven't yet seen.

Ridiculous royal wedding items you've "GOT TO" Have:

1. Royal Wedding Garden Gnomes:
2. Royal Wedding Barf Bags:

3. Royal Wedding nails:

4. Royal Wedding Refrigerator:

5. Knit your Own Royal Wedding Kit!
6. Royal Wedding Cellphone:
7. Royal Wedding Pizza from Papa Johns: 
8. Kate Middleton Jelly Bean
This wasn't manufactured this way...this just happened to be in somebody's jelly bean bag and noticed it looked like her!
9. Royal Wedding Toilet Seat Cover
10. Yankee Candle "A Royal Wedding"
 This I actually DO WANT! I'm going to buy this!

Prince Charles and Princess Diana got married within a month of my parents getting married! Now, 30 years later William and Catherine are getting married within a month of Chris and Me. 5:00am seems realllly early, but I am definitely making a plan to get up and watch the royal wedding live. How often does this happen? Be sure to get in on the fun over at where a bunch of us will be contributing our thoughts and follow my tweets @lwoodsny

What about you? 

This Royal Wedding spoof T-mobile ad is genius:


  1. I'm so glad you posted the T-Mobile wedding advert as loads of people have been talking about it and I hadn't seen it, I love it. Perhaps i'll now reconsider my entrance into the church lol.

  2. Finally watched that video! HA! And glad you included the refrigerator. That one is just weird.

  3. You know I'll be up at 3 a.m. firing up the Weddzilla Blog! I can't wait! That's so cool about your parents' and your wedding dates being within a month of each of theirs.

  4. some of this stuff is absolutely bonkers!

  5. Ah, I remember Charles and Diana's wedding well. I watched the whole thing on TV (who could forget her 8 foot long train?)and now the Kids are getting married. If it weren't a work day I'd so be watching it. Who knows, maybe I'll be inspired and watch it.

  6. Haha! Some of these products are hilarious! I am with you on the candle though. I am sure that it smells amazing! I am a pretty new follower and I just love reading your blog. I have enjoyed reading a lot of your past posts!

  7. Goodness, those are crazy thing! I'll be watching live! I haven't watched anything on the RW, but I do want to watch it happen!

  8. haha... this is a great post! Just came across your blog! Loving it:)

  9. I want a Wills and Kate fridge!!!!!!!!!!



  10. SO... Five am your time is TWO AM Pacific time... Which is what AZ is on right now... So, nope, not going to be watching it live. But I'll catch a replay at some point I'm sure! :)

  11. Haaaa those "souveniers" are way too funny. Love it.

    I probably won't get up to watch.. I enjoy sleeping way too much ;) But I'll definitely look it up later!


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