Friday, March 25, 2011

Groom Dumps Wedding Cake onto Bride's Head!

The results of Wednesday's Wedding Poll "Did/Are you change/changing your last name?"
Yes: 84%
No: 11%
Haven't Decided: 5%

Four of you said you aren't changing your name (and one of those was my three others). Thanks again to everyone who participated!

So I KNOW I said I was going to reveal my invitations today...but that is actually going to have to wait until Monday! I have soo many great posts coming up next week that I'm really excited to share with you, so hang tight!

In the meantime, you're going to have to settle for this horrific, and kinda hilarious video. If Chris does this to me on our wedding day, I will NOT handle it as welll as this woman:

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. That poor cake!! That is truly sad haha, but I'm glad she took it well. I think my fiance' knows better than to do that!!!

  2. I'm kind of undecided because it was never thought that he would change his name but it's almost expected of me. I want an equal, unpressured option, people!!!

  3. Shoving an entire tier of wedding cake in my face and holding your hands in the air like Rocky Balboa would be grounds for annulment.

  4. We've already agreed, no smashing :)

  5. I did not vote in the poll on Wednesday because I wanted to see how the "younger" generation would vote.So there really are 4 votes without me skewing the statistics. As for the video-there are just sooo many things wrong with that video but I'll leave that for Dr. Phil's show.Lol!

  6. Wow, that groom seems like a real jerk! I wonder how long that marriage will last... We agreed that there would be no smashing at our wedding.

  7. OMG. I would have FREAKED out. The punishment should fit the crime - ie a little cake in the face, not an entire tier on her head! Luckily, there will be no cake smashing on our wedding day.

  8. OH MAN!!! Is that dude in big trouble when they leave the reception!!!

  9. After all the time and money spent on my hair and makeup and the cake itself I would have been furious and he certainly wouldn't have gotten lucky on the wedding night OR honeymoon. Though she shouldn't have done it in his face either. I don't get the whole cake smashing why do you want to smash cake the in the face of the person you love?!

  10. why is she laughing!?? I would have created an anger storm!! I got mad just looking at the video! hahaha I don't even want to do a cake cutting...just to avoid the little feeding of cake thing...

  11. If that happened to me, that would be the shortest marriage ever... nearly non-existent, because I would go find the marriage license and RIP IT UP!

  12. No cake squishing for us! even though it would be cupcake squishing lol :)

    I just found your blog! So happy I did!


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