Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jim Altieri Vintage Cinema

 Hey guys, our Save-the-Dates were featured last week on the blog Wedding of the Season!  

Today, I am literally swoooning over this amazing engagement video:

Lauren & Stephen in love from Jim Altieri on Vimeo.

Jim Altieri films vintage videos and his website has one amazing video after another. Check out some more of his videos here, you will NOT be disappointed. I found him on 100 layer cake after reading this post. Check out the video posted there too, it's another must-see!

Jim Alitieri Vintage Cinema 



  1. Congrats on making it on WOTS! How cool is tha? The video is over the top romantic and it's great. Just gets ya' all up in the mood for Valentine's Day. <3!

  2. Love the feature on your save-the-dates! They're awesome, and you should definitely blog about them on Weddzilla. By the way, I'm still waiting to get the radio show info.

  3. Great feature and great save the dates! Way to go!

  4. Great feature and great save the dates! Way to go!

  5. Congrats on your feature!!! On my way to check it out now! :)

  6. AWESOME!!!

    I gave you the Versatile Blogger Award! You can go to my blog to grab the button! :-)


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