Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The First iPhone 4 Wedding


(Quick explanation on the "ya'll": I've been watching Friday Night Lights, which is officially the best show EVER, and have decided I want to be exactly like Tammy Taylor when I "grow up". I just love everything about her, especially the way she says "ya'll" so chipper and cheerful all the time. So, as part of my training/transformation I'm saying it now, too!)

Did you hear about this? Videographer Rainer Flor and wedding photographer Brian Adams (not to be confused with Bryan Adams) shot an ENTIRE Wedding through the use of a few iphones...and wow...it looks good! While they used a few added elements, (lighting assistants, change of lenses, etc.) they said the major advantage was that they were very unobtrusive since the cameras are so much smaller than the professional ones they usually use.

Check out their Iphoneshooters.com website where they post their personal challenge with this project, followed by the outcome (video below). My guess is this may be the first wedding to be done this way....but definitely won't be the last. Look for more iPhone weddings in the future!

Read the full Huffington Post Article here!

What do you think of the video? Would you hire someone to shoot your wedding using only iphones?


  1. First, I have to say I fully approve of your use of "y'all." It is so useful- you can clearly distinguish between the use of you as singular and y'all as plural.

    Anyway, that iPhone wedding did look good, I would just worry about the resolution-- how big could you blow those images up? Print quality, etc would be some of my concerns...

  2. Haha no, I don't think I'm ready to jump into having my wedding filmed entirely via iPhone, but that is pretty cool that the possibility exists.

    I just have to say that I'm completely with you on the Tami Taylor as role model thing. I asked for cowboy boots for Christmas this year in her honor :) Now if only I could get a Tim Riggins delivery, too...

  3. I have been using the word y'all for many years and i'm sometimes made fun of for using it but no one has ever been confused as to whether I'm addressing one or more than one!It's a great word and should be allowed in Scrabble!

    My opinion on the i-phone is still pending, but the video was okay.

  4. Thanks for the support on the "ya'll" hahaha I'm glad others understand my feelings on it!

  5. Not too bad! And the sky during one part of the ceremony looks amazing!


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