Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monogram and Bridal Showcase

How cool is this monogram? I found this on the Knotty Bride, who found it here at the Wedding chicks. [I believe the promotion to get it free has ended]. I have the complete file of this image to use as I please for invitations, or any D-I-Y wedding things I may decide to do. I love it! I'm thinking of seeing if I can get a stamp made of it, but haven't thought about what I'd do with it beyond that!

Speaking of stamping, I really want to get back to embossing. A fellow blogger at "She Said Yes" did an Embossing 101 post a few weeks ago and I loved it. My mom, sister, and I used to emboss soooo much when we were little, but honestly I had forgotten all about it. I emailed my mom right away and told her to get out the embossing tools because we're going to use it somehow for the wedding. How? I just haven't really thought about that yet....

This month is quickly filling up with wedding showcases and events to attend! Aside from my plans to attend the Long Island Bridal Extravaganza on September 20th with fellow bride and friend, Kerry; Chris and I got an invitation in the mail yesterday for something that I'm very excited about:

I came home to a very pretty invitation in our mail that really looked like a wedding invitation. Both our names were written in calligraphy on the envelope. I was completely confused, my first thought was "Oh goodness another wedding?? Who's wedding is this?? We've already received the invitations to all our friend's upcoming weddings! Who am I forgetting?" After I opened it, I soon realized it was an invitation to a showcase at our venue!  

Sand Castle
cordially invites you to attend their Bridal Showcase
on September 29, 2010, 7:00pm
proudly presenting
our most prestigious event professionals of:
Music Entertainment, Photography & Videography, Floral Design,
Hair & Make-up, Invitation Design,
Limousine Services, Hotels and Cigar Rollers
Also featuring: 
Raffle Prizes, Vendor Discounted offers,
Menu enhancements and many more surprises.
Please join us for an evening filled
with entertainment and unique ideas.

I'm very excited to go to this! I love any excuse to visit my venue. Every time I'm there, I fall more in love with the place, and get completely recharged on my planning. Plus, it might get my butt into gear on invitations, hair & makeup and flowers, which are haunting me! Unfortunately, I really don't remember enough about last night's dream to go into detail, but I do know it involved my wedding, and my hair not being done in time. Clearly, I have some things on my mind and it will be nice to have someone else steer me in some direction for the next steps of my planning.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So many exciting things this week! The monogram is both trendy and old fashion. I like it and it's the perfect color. Sand Castle-how way cool is that? The invitation is very classy. The nightmare-haha-let the wedding jitters begin. Wish I was there to be more helpful. I remember having similar nightmares, too. It will all be perfect on your wedding day you just wait and see.<3


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