Monday, May 10, 2010

Ice Cream Maker

Chris and I have been dying for the ice cream maker that we registered for. Our friends Mandy and Billy have one and make the most unbelievable ice cream with it! Now, with summer just around the corner, and the longing for picnics in "our" (read: his parents') backyard...I've been longing for an ice cream maker of my very own! We thought about just buying it for ourselves off of our registry (it was all I could do to tell Chris NOT to get it the day we actually registered). We got a BB&B gift card from one of his parent's friends and it would cover the cost of the ice cream maker, so I've been hemming and hawing for awhile if I should just go get it. This morning...I noticed that RueLaLa was having a Cuisinart sale, and our ice cream maker was on there! PLUS I had a $30.00 credit toward a purchase (This was my first purchase and I joined it 3 years ago, so clearly that credit wasn't really going anywhere) So I got our ice cream maker for $5.00 plus S&H equaling a grand total of $15.00 for a brand new, awesome, amazing, can't wait to make ice cream maker!! We will get it next Friday and I can guarantee that when my sister comes to visit me next weekend...we will be making homemade ice cream!! Chris will be in for a treat when he comes home from Billys' Bachelor party...I just cannot wait!!
THE ice cream maker..isn't it cute??

This is my first purchase off of RueLala. It's usually clothing and jewelry..sometimes home goods, too and once in awhile I do find some really great stuff and deals on the site. I know two of my friends have been lucky on here as well. It's fun to at least look at all the items they have for sale. They send you a daily email with the boutiques of the day. Sometimes the stuff is so ridiculosuly expensive even with the sale it's a little disheartening..but other times, they run some amazing deals that are totally worth it and if you're looking for something in particular, sometimes this is the place to find it! If you'd like to join RueLaLa sign-up here!

Soooo check out these two wedding dresses, they are made out of toilet paper!!!
Ok...first: Weird. I hope women aren't accctually wearing toilet paper dresses because there are TONS of things that I can think of that could go wrong with that. (What if it rips? What if I cry all over myself? Do you sit it in? Do you dance in it? WHAT IF IT RAINS? I guess going to the bathroom would be easy...) But second: AWESOME!! I can't imagine creating a wedding dress...let alone one made from toilet paper. This is truly art, wearable art. Maybe I should try making one? That could be a nice little Saturday afternoon craft to challenge my brain? Eh...I think I'll stick to scrapbooking for now.

Sorry the blog's been slow'll pick up soon. AND I AM STILLLLLLL waiting to get an actual, physical, real date for our engagement shoot!!! I've contacted him so many times with days that work for us in June, and nothing. I get nothing. I don't want to badmouth our photographer before I've even met him, and I've really liked the guy we've been doing business with at the studio, but come on. The amount of energy I have to put in just to track them down for a date is bordering on the ridiculous at this point. I want to have full trust in my photographer, but he's making it very difficult for me right now and I truly hope this is the only and worst complication we have with them.

1 comment:

  1. So...a suitable engagement gift for you would be a Barbie doll and a roll of toilet paper so you could design your perfect wedding dress? Sounds like fun actually. Maybe that could be your Bacheloretter party activity. Arts and crafts at Laura's!


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