Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Demille"

I'm still waiting to hear back from Allen at Déjà Vu Studios about our engagement shoot. I'm going to call him tonight to demand ask that we set up a date because I need to make sure I can get off work for it since it will need to be during the week. Chris and I will be getting our pictures done at Wagner College and I'm soooo excited.

I think Wagner's Campus is truly beautiful and will be the perfect backdrop for our pictures for scenery and very appropriate since it is, after all, where we met!
Many a day and night were spent hanging out on the oval in front of Main Hall:

 This is the view from Wagner's parking lot!

I've also researched some places to go get our pictures taken in-between the ceremony and reception on our wedding day. The church we are getting married at isn't the most scenic of places and while Sandcastle has a nice garden in the back, I would like to have some more options as far as pictures go. There is the Garden City Gazebo, but it's sort of just a gazebo, and if another bride gets there first....she wins.
Many of the photographers we visited suggested Old Westbury Gardens. This place is really beautiful and they have a ton of different locations to get pictures taken, including inside and outside an old mansion that is on the premises!!

You have to book the specific locations you want to take pictures in advance and there are all sorts of restrictions, paperwork and even a small fee involved, but I do think it will be worth it. I'm hoping to go check this place out soon with Chris, because this would be somewhere I'd want to go spend a sunny Spring afternoon anyway!

Anyway, I will be kind of neglecting this blog for the next week and a half as I gear up for the More Half Marathon on April 25th. I'm getting real close to race day and my entries on my running blog, Running to Nowhere have kind of taken precedence for the time being. I'm so excited and ready for race day!!!


  1. The mansion looks like the mansion Annapolis Maryland when we went there for vacation. Beautiful scenery.

  2. What a great idea, having your pictures taken at the wag! I am thoroughly enjoying your blog, such a wonderful way to document your huge life experiences! So so happy for you and Chris, looks like things are falling into place. xoxo Becca


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