Friday, March 19, 2010

BB&B Registering

On Sunday we finally set up our Bed, Bath and Beyond registry. This started out as extremely overwhelming.  (As in: legit wanted to throw down the scanner and run out of the store crying. Not to be dramatic or anything.) But luckily it eventually ended up being so much fun!!

The woman who set us up was really nice, it's just that she was a little too eager and overbearing. I really just wanted to run in, set up the registry, put a few fun things on our account, and be done with it so I could work on it online at home. Bada Bing...Bada Boom. But the BB&B lady started walking through everything with us step by step. She started by talking us through all their different China sets. Bone China, Fine China, Porcelain, Stoneware, Earthenware...ahhhhh!!! When that proved too overwhelming, she thought maybe I could handle vases and asked me to pick out a vase that I liked. Well they had about 50 on display! I just need it hold flowers!! They're all pretty!!!

"What about silverware?"
"Do you like any of these picture frames??"
"How many place settings will you need for you and you family???"
"What style do you want to go with????"


I just wanted to know where I could find the crock pots, cookie cutters, and most importantly, the pizza trays! I just want to register for the fun stuff!! Chris' mom had been doing some shopping in the store and when she came by to check on us...I think sensed our panic. Thankfully, she politely steered the saleswoman in the direction of what we were looking for to add to the registry for right now. So the woman followed us to kitchen electronics. Good, this was more like it. But she still wouldn't leave us alone, because she wanted to show us how to use the scanner. I decided to pick out one thing...anything at that she could show us how to use it and leave, she was just too much up in my space! Once she finally became fun.We added a bunch of things...and I can wholeheartedly and unabashedly state that we are most excited for our ice cream maker! Our friends Mandy and Billy have one and make the most unbelievable ice cream with it. I'm not sure how long we were there, but it was getting late and we were all very hungry for we called it quits around 6:00. I still have to do some organizing/adding/deleting to the list online, but at least it's started.

When I went to the website, I saw there were 2 other couples registered with the same exact first and last name as me Laura "W".

Laura W.  and Nick                    Wedding           TX           
Laura W.  and Laura W.             Other                CT           
Laura W.  and Christopher           Wedding          NY           

First one...a wedding of Laura and Nick in Texas. Fine, normal. But that second one: Laura W. and Laura W. in CT last August listed under the category of "other". At first, I thought this was a lesbian couple who both happened to have the same exact first and last name (I funny and ironic would that be?!?!) But, upon checking out the registry (Sweater bag, alarm clock, table fan and surge protector) I see that this is a girl who registered for college gifts. Is it just me or have you never heard of registering for college gifts? I can't remember if I knew anyone who ever did this, but this is certainly news to me! Well, she didn't get any of gifts because none of them are listed as "purchased" so sucks to be you Laura W. from CT!

There is LOTS HAPPENING in the way of booking our band. Lots of News! Lots of Drama! It's a regular soap opera over here! Not really, but aren't you so intrigued now??

I can't fully update until tonight or tomorrow because there are still some things up in the air. However, I do think that my next entry will be entitled something along the lines of "Band and Photographer= Booked!"

Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Where's the post telling everyone who your wedding band and photographer are going to be?? :)


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